速報APP / 個人化 / Galaxy Pack

Galaxy Pack





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:MAXELUS ul. Poleska 31/13, Wrocław, 51-354, Poland

Galaxy Pack(圖1)-速報App

After the discovery of a series of four galaxies: Inferno Galaxy, Ice Galaxy, Shadow Galaxy and Galaxy Vortex...

... waiting to be explored further nooks of the Universe!

On the horizon appeared a new Galaxies:

1. Red Dragon Galaxy HD!

2. Hydra Galaxy HD!

3. Small Cloud Galaxy HD!

4. Pegasus Galaxy HD!

5. M101 Galaxy HD!

Galaxy Pack(圖2)-速報App

6. Hextor Galaxy HD!

7. Colosus Galaxy HD!

8. Cyklop Galaxy HD!

9. Hydrogen Clouds HD!

10. Inferno Clouds HD!

11. Primaeval Galaxy HD!

12. Toxic Galaxy HD!

13. Banelord Cloud HD!

Galaxy Pack(圖3)-速報App

14. Genodus Galaxy HD!

15. Hellfire Galaxy HD!

16. Ultramarine Galaxy HD!

17. Rainbow Galaxy HD!

18. Tongues of fire Galaxy HD!

19. Deep blue Galaxy HD!

20. Shadow Nebula HD!

21. Sapphire HD!

Galaxy Pack(圖4)-速報App

22. Hypnos HD!

23. Dark Side HD!

24. Blue Lagun HD!

25. Isalanoa, HD!

26. Iris Nebula HD!

27. Kanahat HD!

28. Tarasor HD!

29. Lamifoa HD!

Galaxy Pack(圖5)-速報App

30. Dragon Eye HD!

Each of them you can view in 3D, in realtime, in OpenGL.

Check out what is in each of them. Adjust the settings, change them.


+ Set Predefined Galaxies (30 HD! available now)

+ Set Background type (7 available now)

+ Set Core type (3 available now)

+ Set Stars type (3 available now)

Galaxy Pack(圖6)-速報App

+ Set Stars count (for max speed reduce stars)

+ Set X-Ray type, on/off (default off)

+ Set Stars on/off

+ Accelerometer Sensor On/Off

+ Accelerate Camera left-right move

+ Random Galaxy On/Off, Random Timer

+ Moving speed


Galaxy Pack(圖7)-速報App

+ For more smoth animations reduce number of stars 'Stars Count' in options menu, and speed increase !

+ For save battery and CPU set '50% save' in options menu

Please comment ! Thanks !

Galaxy Pack(圖8)-速報App